
Majority Rules  is about democracy, both it’s strengths and weakness, and making it work. It is a call to action and a voice for progressive issues.

Steve Zemke is the principal blogger for Majority Rules. Steve lives in Seattle, Washington in the Northwest United States.

Steve also is the Director of Tax Sanity which is working to close tax loopholes and for progressive tax reform in Washington State and nationally. Tax Sanity is working to pass legislation to create a Tax Expenditure Budget which must be passed every year as part of the biennial budget appropriation process in Washington State.  Tax  Sanity’s website is www.taxsanity.org . They also have a facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/TaxSanity?ref=hl

Steve is the Chair of Friends of Seattle Urban Forests. They have a facebook page called Friends of Seattle’s Urban Forests which can be seen at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Friends-of-Seattles-Urban-Forest/ they are working to increase protection for trees and Seattle’s urban forest. Their website is www.friends.urbanforests.org.

He also is the Chair of TreePAC. website is www.TreePAC.org

He was  a Co-Chair of the Legislative Action Committee of the King County Democrats  as well as a past Chair of the King County Democrats in Washington State. He is active in Democratic politics.

Steve served six years as a member of the Seattle Urban Forestry Commission.  He represented the wildlife biologist’s position.

Steve was a Campaign Adviser and also the State Field Director overseeing and coordinating a volunteer effort to collect the necessary signatures  to place I-735 on the ballot. He was a campaign Board member after the successful signature drive for the ballot  campaign in Washington State to pass Initiative 735. See www.WAmend.org. Initiative 735 was passed by voters in  Nov 2016 to urge Congress to put a Constitutional Amendment back to the states to overturn Citizens United. The amendment would declare  that corporations are not people and money is not free speech but can be regulated and should be disclosed.

Steve has been involved in a number of other statewide initiative campaigns in Washington State. These include:

Initiative-325 – Nuclear Safeguards Initiative

Initiative 61 – Returnable Beverage Container Initiative

Initiative 394 – the Don’t Bankrupt Washington Campaign to control WPPSS spending

Initiative 97 – Toxics Cleanup Campaign

Initiative 99  -for a Presidential Primary in Washington State

Initiative 547 – Keep Washington Livable! – for a Growth Management Act

Initiative 688 – Paycheck Protection Coalition for a minimum wage indexed to inflation

Initiative 735 – Get Big Money out of Elections




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