Tag Archives: Feb 3

Municipal League Gives Sherril Huff and David Irons Highest Rating for King County Director of Elections

The Municipal League of King County released their ratings today for the 6 candidates running for King County Director of Elections. As the result of voters last November passing I-25, King County voters will be voting for the first time for an elected Director of Elections in a special election on Feb 3, 2009.

Here are the ratings in alphabetical order:

Bill Anderson – Very Good
Chris Clifford – Adequate
Sherril Huff – Outstanding
David Irons – Outstanding
Julie Kempf – Adequate
Pam Roach – Adequate

You can read the questionnaires submitted to the King County Municipal League by each of the candidates by clicking on the link. You can also get links to the candidates websites.

You can get statements by each of the candidates as they were recorded in the King County Video Voters Guide by clicking on the link.

The election will be the first all mail election for King County voters. There will be no primary, so whoever gets the most votes in the Feb 3, 2009 election will be the winner.

This poorly designed process that was put on the ballot as the result of a paid signature campaign by Republicans is a rush job that does not best serve the voters. The lack of a primary in particular allows a candidate with less than 50% of the vote to win if votes are more or less split among 6 candidates.

So far very little money has been reported as being raised for this race by the candidates. As of today on the PDC website for this race Sherril Huff has reported raising $3500 and Pam Roach $3200. None of the other 4 candidates have reported raising anything and Chris Clifford has not even filed with the PDC as running.

The Municipal League is having 2 candidate forums for the King County Director of Elections race.

King County Elections Director Candidate Forum
Nordic Heritage Museum
3014 NW 67th St. NW, Seattle
Tuesday January 13th 7-8:30 p.m.

King County Elections Director Candidate Forum
The Golf Club at Newcastle
15500 Six Penny Lane
Newcastle, WA
Sat. Jan 17th, 9 AM – 11 AM