Tag Archives: endorsements

46th District Democrats Add New Endorsements

The 46th Legislative District Democrats in North Seattle met last night and made more endorsements for the November 6, 2007 election. See the previous list of endorsements here. A 2/3 vote is required to be endorsed.

Seattle School Board District 1 – Peter Maier

Seattle School Board District 6 – Maria Ramirez and Steve Sundquist (dual endorsement)

King County Initiative 25 (elected director of elections) – NO

King County Proposition 1 – Medic One – Emergency Medical Services – APPROVE

Sound Transit and RTID (Regional Transportation Investment District) – Prop. 1 -no position

Initiative 960 – NO

Referendum Measure 67 – APPROVE

Engrossed Substitute Senate Joint Resolution 8206 – no position

Senate Joint Resolution 8212 – no position

Engrossed House Joint Resolution 4204 -Simple Majority for School Bonds – APPROVE

Substitute House Joint Resolution 4215 – no position

The no on Eyman’s Initiative 960 to give a 1/3 minority in the Legislature veto power over any tax increases was unanimous as was the yes (approve) vote for Engrossed House Joint Resolution 4204 to amend the Constitution to allow school levies to pass by a simple majority.

I am a PCO in the 46th L.D. The Sound Transit and RTID Proposition received a 53 to 33 vote after hearing pro arguments from Transportation Choices Coalition and con from the Sierra Club. The other 3 “no position” votes on issues were the result of people feeling they did not sufficiently understand the issues involved. I wondered how if we political animals could not make a decision how we expected voters to do any better.

As a result I moved that the organization in the future anticipate this by having a committee set up to review and make recommendations for the endorsement meeting. I felt somebody needed to understand the issues and be able to answer questions. The 46th LD Democrats voted and approved the motion. Afterwards it was suggested that this be handled by the existing Legislative Action Committee which seems logical.

The District also voted to make several contributions to campaigns. Originally when the budget was being approved earlier in the year no contributions were in it. Several of us objected and contributions were added.

Bill Sherman – Prosecuting Attorney $500

Gael Tarleton – Port of Seattle #2 $100

Alec Fisken – Port of Seattle #5 $500

No on I-960 $100

Yes on 4204 $500

This was the last meeting to be chaired by Scott White who is stepping down as Chair to run for the Washington State Legislature next year. Scott is running for the seat being vacated by Representative Jim McIntire who is running next year for State Treasurer.

Progressive Majority Washington Wins 11 of 12 Contested Primary Races

Progressive Majority Washington won big in the August 21, 2007 Primary. Of 12 contested primary campaigns, they only lost 1. Now on to November.

As Dean Nielson, Progressive Majority’s Washington State Director, reported on the Progressive Majority website, they had a “great day“.

One of their biggest victories was that of Brian Sullivan, running for the Snohomish County Council. He beat the conservative Democratic incumbent and is now the favorite to win in the November General Election because the District leans strongly Democratic.

Sullivan’s victory was important because it swings the majority of the Snohomish County Council away from a conservative majority to a progressive majority.

Another Progressive Majority candidate for the Snohomish County Council, Mike Cooper, is also on the November ballot. He is a former Washington State Legislator who previously ran for Washington State Lands Commissioner.

Another big winner was Bill Sherman who won the democratic nomination for King County Prosecuting Attorney.

Progressive Majority’s endorsed candidates who won August 21, 2007 Primary are:

John Lovick – Snohomish County Sheriff
Brian Sullivan – Snohomish County Council #1
Bob Kelly – Whatcom County Council
Dan McShane – Bellingham Mayor
Maureen Judge – Mercer Island City Council #3
Terry Scott – Shoreline City Council #6
Marilyn Strickland – Tacoma City Council #8
Ron Bonlender – Yakima City Council #3
Gael Tarleton – Seattle Port Commission #2
Alec Fisken – Seattle Port Commissioner #5
Bill Sherman – King County Prosecuting Attorney

Other Progressive Majority endorsed candidates on the November 6, 2007 ballot:

Keri Andrews – Bellevue City Council #7
Mike Cooper – Snohomish County Council #3
Ken Mann – Whatcom County Council #2B
Barry Peters – Bainbridge Island City Council #1
Adrienne Fraley-Monillas – Edmonds City Council #5
Strom Peterson – Edmonds City Council #7
David Stemp – Fircrest City Council #3
Russ Olsen – Lacey City Council #1
Suzanne Quigley – Lake Stevens City Council #5
Bruce Bassett – Mercer Island City Council #5
Mia Gregerson – Sea Tac City Council #7
Terry Scott – Shoreline City Council #6
Rose Ehart – University Place City Council #6
Chase Gallagher – Shelton Finance Commissioner
Sili Gallagher – Highline School Board #1
Maren Norton – Shoreline School Board #4

To learn more about the candidates that didn’t yet have a website as well as those that do you can go to Progressive Majority’s national page of 2007 endorsed candidates.

Grassroots Democrats Missing in Action on Internet for August 21, 2007 Primary

If you were hoping to find insight and inspiration on the Internet from local Washington State grassroots Democrats for the August 21, 2007 Primary you were bound to be disappointed. A close look at the websites of the local Democratic County and Legislative District organizations right before the Primary was disappointing to say the least.

The local grassroots Democratic groups were looked at first for how well they alerted people visiting their websites about the Primary. A second point of comparison was whether the organizations were using their websites to gear up for the Feb. 2008 Caucus and Presidential Primary next year. These are just a little over 5 months away.

The first step in evaluating the Grassroots Democratic organizations was to check whether or not they even had a website. The list of websites used was taken from the list on the Washington State Democrats website . Out of 39 county Democratic organizations, 11 (28%) did not have a website. Out of 49 Democratic Legislative District organizations in the state, 19 (39%) did not have websites.

Here is a summary of what was found when looking at the Democratic websites.

Washington State County Democratic organizations:

Washington counties – 39
county Democratic organizations with websites – 28 (72%)
August 21 Primary date mentioned- 10 on first page + 2 more in calender = 12 (31%)
counties with primary endorsements posted – 5 (13%) King, Pierce, Snohomish, Thurston, Whatcom
number including a link to endorsed candidates – 4 (10%)
counties listing Feb. 9, 2008 Caucus date – 3 (8%)
counties listing Feb. 19, 2008 Presidential Primary date – 3 (8%)
county Democratic websites with links to Presidential candidates – 6 (15%)

Washington State Legislative District organizations:

Legislative districts –49
Legislative district organizations with websites – 30 (61%)
August 21 Primary mentioned – 7 on first page + 6 more in calender = 13 (27%)
Legislative District organizations with Primary endorsements posted – 12 (24%)
number including a link to endorsed candidates – 4 (8%)
Legislative Districts listing Feb. 9, 2008 Caucus date – 6 (12%)
Legislative District organizations listing Feb. 19, 2008 Presidential Primary date – 2 (4%)
Legislative District websites with links to Presidential candidates – 4 (8%)

To be fair 5 counties did not hold a primary. Those counties are Asotin, Ferry, Garfield, San Juan, and Wahkiakum. But that still leaves 34 counties that did hold a primary election.

Why is website presence in a campaign important? Googling on “Democratic endorsements Washington August 21, 2007 Primary” yielded the following results on the first 2 pages:

47th Leg District Democrats
Lefty Blogs – Metropolitan Democratic Club
SEAMEC 2007 endorsements
47th District Democrats
the Stranger
King County Democrats
Wash Fed of State Employees

Googling on “Washington State Primary Endorsements” yielded:

Sierra Club (MajorityRulesBlog post)
the Stranger
36th Distrct Democrats
Washington State Women’s Political Caucus
SEAMEC endorsements

Googling on “King County Democrats 2007 endorsements” yielded:

King County Democrats
34th District Democrats
47th District Democrats
Peter Sherman’s website
46th District Democrats
Gael Tartelton’s website
Jean Godden’s website
the Stranger

Having endorsements on the Democratic websites and candidates receiving endorsements and listing them on their website drove traffic to these sites. This gives additional exposure to the Democratic Party and their endorsed candidates.

By way of comparison, googling on “”Washington State Republicans 2007 Primary” produced one relevant Republican hit to a right wing blog at the bottom of the second page. Typing in “Washington State Republicans 2007 Primary Endorsements” yielded little of the Republicans but brought up the following in the first two pages:

Washington State Stonewall Democrats
Washington Federation of State Employees
the Stranger
47th District Democrats
BlogNet News

Despite the lack of a strong internet effort by the Democrats in making and listing endorsements, where it was done it obviously had an impact on visibility of the Democrats.

There is a reason that the Republican presence is so minor in the google searches. Despite the untapped potential of the Democrats in using the web to get exposure and use the internet for organizing , they were far ahead of Republican Party efforts.

The Washington State Republican website has only county organizations. There are no Republican legislative district organizations listed.

The Republicans had only 15 county websites listed for the 39 counties in Washington State. And they seemed to be even less aware that a Primary was occurring. Only 4 listed the August 21, 2007 Primary date on their website and only 2 had endorsements. Regarding the Presidential Campaign only 2 had a link to the 2008 Republican Presidential candidates.

Just in terms of number of sites, the Democrat’s 58 grassroots organization sites outnumbered the Republicans by almost 4 to 1. Now if they can just get some web savy and get links up for the General Election in November with endorsements listed and links to endorsed candidates they can have a much stronger presence on the web.

And they also need to copy the Democratic State Party’s Road to the White House Presidential candidate’s links and add them to their webpages. Island County Democrats have links with pictures of the candidates which is a nice touch. So do the Spokane Democrats. and the Walla Walla County Democrats. Whitman County, Thurston County and Mason County are the only other counties that currently have links to the Democratic Presidential candidates.

And I could only find links available on the websites of the 1st , 6th, 44th and 45th District Democrats.

One additional element that the Democratic organizations should add to their websites is the free fundraising link for Democrats by ActBlue. ActBlue is set up to raise funds for all the Democratic Presidential candidates. John Edwards for President, for example, using the ActBlue website has raised $3,599,983 from 44,058 donors.

MajorityRulesBlog recently set up an ActBlue page for all the Presidential candidates. You can click on the link to see what one could look like for the Democratic organizations. Each organization would get exposure and credit for funds raised for the candidates.

Metropolitan Democratic Club Makes August 21, 2007 Primary Endorsements

The Metropolitan Democratic Club met at noon today in downtown Seattle to consider endorsements for candidates running in the August 21, 2007 Washington State Primary election. The endorsements below include some races that will only appear on the November ballot. The following is a list of candidates endorsed and the positions they are running for. Connections to website are included where available.

King County Prosecutor – Bill Sherman
King County Council Position 2 – Larry Gossett
King County Council Position 4 – Larry Phillips
King County Council Position 6 – Brad Larssen (write-in)
King County Council Position No. 8 – Dow Constantine
Port of Seattle Commissioner Position No. 2 – Gael Tarleton
Port of Seattle Commissioner Position No. 5 – Alec Fisken
City of Seattle Council Position No.1 – Jean Godden
City of Seattle Position No. 3 – no endorsement
City of Seattle Position No. 5 – Tom Rasmussen
City of Seattle Position No. 7 – David Della
City of Seattle Position No. 9 – Sally J Clark
Seattle School Board #1 – Sally Soriano
Seattle School Board #2 – no endorsement
Seattle School Board #3 – no endorsement
Seattle School Board #6 – Maria Ramirez
King County Prop. No. 1 – Regional and Rural Parks Levy – yes
King County Prop. No. 2 – Open Space, Regional Trails and Woodland Park Zoo Levy – yes

Cascade Chapter Sierra Club Releases August 21, 2007 Primary Endorsements

The Cascade Chapter of the Sierra Club announced their first round of endorsements for the August 21, 2007 Washington State Primary election. Scott Otterson, Chair of the Political Committee of the Sierra Club, Cascade Chapter said that several more endorsements would be announced shortly. We will post additional endorsements as they are released. (updated August 15, 2007)

Snohomish County Council #2 Brian Sullivan
Snohomish County Council #3 Mike Cooper
Camas Mayor Paul Dennis
City Council #4 Charlene Rawson
Everett City Council #7 Jackie Minchew
Lynnwood City Council #5 Stephanie Wright
Mill Creek City Council #6 Ed McNichol
Vancouver City Council #4 Timothy D. Leavitt
Vancouver City Council #5 Larry Smith
Vancouver City Council #6 Dan Tonkovich
Port of Seattle Commissioner Position No. 1 Jack Block Jr. and Gael Tarleton (dual endorsement)
Port of Seattle Commissioner Position No. 5 Alec Fisken
King Couty Proposition No. 1 – Regional and Rural Parks Levy – yes
King County Proposition No. 2 – Open Space, Regional Trails and Woodland Park Zoo Levy – yes
Redmond Parks levy, Proposition No. 2 – yes

Washington State – August 21, 2007 Primary Endorsements

Deciding who to vote for isn’t always easy. If you go to the website of the Washington Secretary of State you can access a map of Washington Counties. Clicking on the county you live in will give you access to the official County Auditors / Election website that usually contains a link to a sample ballot and the official county voters pamphlet.

Listed below are some links to organizations that have made endorsements for the August 21, 2007 Washington State primary election. Note that some organizations that are listed on candidate’s literature may not turn up on this list because they did not post any endorsement information on their website. If you find additional endorsements that have website links feel free to add them to the comments section. Thanks.

Democratic Organizations:

King County Democrats
Pierce County Democratic Party
Snohomish County Democrats
Thurston County Democrats
Whatcom County Democrats
1st District Democrats
21st District Democrats
3rd District Democrats
34th District Democrats
36th District Democrats
37th District Democrats
41st District Democrats
43rd District Democrats
44th District Democrats
45th District Democrats
46th District Democrats
47th District Democrats

Labor Organizations:

Aerospace Machinists Local 751
Amalgamated Transit Union – Local 587
M.L.King County Labor Council, AFL-CIO
Other organizations:

Cascade Bicycle Club
Cascade Chapter Sierra Club
The Municipal League of King County
NARAL Pro-Choice Washington
Progressive Majority
Seattle King County Assoc of Realtors
Washington Conservation Voters
Washington State Women’s Political Caucus

See also:

Seattle Works Primary Election Candidate Guide

added August 9, 2007

SEAMAC – Primary ratings and endorsements
the Stranger Election Control Board Cheat Sheet
added August 15, 2007
Tacoma News Tribune Aug.12, 2007 endorsements
HeraldNet.com endorsements
SEIU District 1199NW

46th District Democrats Give Primary Endorsements

Last night the 46th District Democrats in North Seattle met at Olympic View Elementary School. Over a 2 hour period over 100 Democrats debated and voted on candidates to give support to in the Primary on August 21, 2007.

Here is a list of candidates endorsed.

King County Prosecutor – Bill Sherman

King County Assessor – Scott Noble

King County Council, Dist 2 – Larry Gosset

King County Council, Dist 4 – Larry Phillips

Port of Seattle, Pos 2 – Gael Tarleton and Jack Block, Jr.

Port of Seattle, Pos 5 – Alex Fisken

Seattle School Board, Dist 1 – no endorsement

Seattle School Board, Position 2 – Sherry Carr

Seattle School Board, Positon 3 – Harium Martin-Morris

Seattle City Council, Position 1 – Jean Godden

Seattle City Council, Position 3 – Venus Velazquez and Bruce Harrell

Seattle City Council, Position 5 – Tom Rasmussen

Seattle City Council, Position 7 – Tim Burgess and David Della

Seattle City Council, Position 9 – Sally J Clark

The 46th District Democrats also voted to endorse the King County Parks issues, Proposition 1 and Proposition 2 which are on the November ballot.