Category Archives: Elections

43rd District Democrats Make 2011 Primary Endorsements

The 43rd District Democrats in Seattle have completed their Primary 2011 Endorsements.  The all mail in Primary ends on August 16, 2011.  Ballets are mailed to voters and must be postmarked by Tuesday August 16, 2011 to be valid.

King County

Seattle City Council

Seattle School Board

Port of Seattle Commission

Ballot Measures


Metropolitan Democratic Club of Seattle Makes Endorsements for 2011 Elections

The Metropolitan Democratic Cub of Seattle at their last meeting completed their endorsements for the August 16, 2011 Primary. They also made some endorsements which are for candidates and issues on the November 8, 2011 ballot but not the Primary..  At their September 28, 2011  meeting they will make the rest of their endorsements for the November ballot.

Of particular note, they did not endorse any of the incumbent Seattle School Board members following the trend of most other  endorsements by other Democratic organizations. They endorsed 4 of the 5 incumbent Seattle City Council members, but did not endorse anyone in position 7 currently held by Tim Burgess. Democrat Richard Mitchell received the endorsement in the King County Council race for the seat in east King County currently held by Republican Jane Hague.

King County Council

Position 2, Larry Gossett

Position 4, Larry Phillips

Position 6, Richard Mitchell

Position 8, Joe McDermott

King County Elections Director

Sherril Huff

King County Assessor

Lloyd Hara

Port of Seattle

Position 2, Gael Tarleton

Position 5, Dean Willard

Seattle City Council

 Position 1, Jean Godden

Position 3, Bruce Harrell

Position 5, Tom Rasmussen

Position 9, Sally Clark

Seattle School Board

Position 1, Sharon Peaslee

Position 2, Kate Martin

Position 3, John Dunn

Position 6, Marty McLaren

Court of Appeals Division 1, District 1, Position 2

Michael Spearman

 Referendum 1 (pertaining to the tunnel)

endorsed approval

King Cou nty Proposition 1 – (Veterans and Human Services Levy)

endorsed approval

Families & Education Levy (Seattle)

endorsed approval

45th District Democrats Make Endorsements for 2011

The 45th District Democrats in East King County recently made a series of endorsements for the Primary and General Election for 2011.  The Primary is Tuesday August 16, 2011 and the General Election is Tuesday November 8, 2011. Both the Primary and General Election are all mail in ballots.  The Primary is Top 2 – meaning the top two vote getters, regardless of their party affiliation, go on to the General Election. The deadline to register to vote and change your voting address is July 18, 2011. For more information on Election deadlines go to the King County Elections website.

Primary Endorsements:

King County Council Position 6 – Richard Mitchell

Kirkland City Council – Dave Asher

King County Proposition 1 – Yes

General Election Endorsements:

King County Director of Elections – Sherril Huff

King County Assessor – Lloyd Hara

King County Port Commissioner – Gael Tarleton

King County Port Commissioner – Dean Willard

Kirkland City Council – Jessica Greenway

King County Superior Court – Patrick Oishi

Initiative 1125 – No

John Ladenburg Bows out of Race for Attorney General to Run for Supreme Court

Below is an e-mail being sent out by John Ladenburg who was considering running to be the next Attorney General of Washington State.  Instead he has decided to run for the Washington State  Supreme Court.

This frees up the field for King County Councilmember Bob Ferguson who has already declared for the seat.  You can check out more about Bob’s campaign by going to his website at  He also has a facebook page entitled Bob Ferguson for Attorney General which you can show your support on by “liking” him.

The PDC shows Democrat Bob Ferguson as currently raising $161,000 for his campaign.  Reports are filed monthly by the 10th of each month for the preceeding month. Reagan Dunn who is the Republican in the race has filed no contribution reports to date since he announced on June 13, 2011.  He claims on his website to have raised over $100,000 but nothing has been reported to the PDC yet.

Here is the e-mail from Democrat John Ladenburg announcing he is not running for Attorney General:

Dear Steve,

The past three months have been a very interesting time. I started out on a quest to determine if I should run for Attorney General and you and many others came to my support and helped me do the polling and research to examine that race. But, a funny thing happened along the way—many of you expressed your strong support and financial backing and also urged me to look at the office of Supreme Court Justice. While our polling and research shows I could win the office of Attorney General, your comments and advice convinced me that my experience is best served on the Supreme Court.

Therefore, having heard your advice and thoughts, I have decided to not run for Attorney General, but instead, seek a seat on the Washington Supreme Court.  I want to sincerely thank all of you for the support and advice. I know that some of you will be disappointed that I will not run for Attorney General. However, I believe that it is critical that our highest court have the broadest experience and expertise available and I think I could help insure that happens.

We will close down our exploratory committee for Attorney General and focus on the Supreme Court.  Under the rules of the court, judicial candidates cannot raise any campaign money until next February. The campaign will let you know when it can accept donations.

Finally, I wish to express my sincere thanks to all of you. Campaigning and public service is not easy, but having committed friends and supporters can make it much easier. Thank you for being there. I promise you that I will work as hard as I can to take a seat on the court and I promise that I will work hard on the court to do the people’s business, fair and just.

My humblest thanks,

John Ladenburg

Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission Commits Blooper

O.K. Who polices the police and says that they have committed a violation?

On the lead in page of the Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission you will find the following item front and center in a box.  Can you tell me what is wrong with this page and how it is is a prime example of the ethics and elections “police” not being able to “police” themselves. I’ve copied the item in question because they will probably change this link by the time you see it.

August 16, 2011 Primary Election
November 8, 2011
General Election

Seattle voters will see a variety of local offices on
their ballots this year, and also some propositions, local and possibly state,
as well.

Seattle City Council Candidates

City Council Positions
on the ballot in the Primary:

Council Position 1 (Godden)
City Council Position 9 (Clark)

City Council Positions on the
ballot in the General:

City Council
Position 3 (Harrell)
City Council Position 5 (Rasmussen)
City Council Position 7 (Burgess)

if there are only one or two declared candidacies for a position there is no Primary. Information on all registered City Council campaigns can be found on our: 2011 Campaigns page

If you click on their link from this elections page to their link for the 2011 Campaigns page you will see the problem.

In an election is it proper to label Council Position 1 as the “Godden” seat on the first page even if she is the incumbent?  Jean Godden has 3 opponents and she has to run for election the same as they do. Are the others running of lesser distinction and not to be given equal exposure? Her opponents certainly wouldn’t think so.

The Ethics and Elections Committee has clearly erred and by doing so has given the incumbents special exposure not accorded to their challengers. That is an unfair advantage.

It has nothing to do with the incumbent’s record or credibility, it has to do with giving the incumbent unique exposure that is clearly an advantage.  Such exposure and labeling does not occur on the actual ballot so why is it happening here in of all place a web page of the commission charged with election ethics.

Likewise Position 3 identified with the label  (Harrell) for the incumbent Bruce Harrell, also has Brad Meacham also running for this position.

Position 5 identified with the label (Rasmussen) for the incumbent Tom Rasmussen, has Dale L Pusey also running for this seat.

Position 7 identified with (Burgess) for incumbent Tim Burgess, has David L Schraer also running.

And Position 9 identified with (Clark) for incumbent Sally Clark, has 2 others also running – Dian Ferguson and Fathi Kashie.

Incumbents have enough advantages in running for office.  The Seattle Ethics and Elections Commission does need to contribute further to the disadvantages that challengers have in trying to get their names out there as candidates also running.

46th District Democrats Make Primary Endorsements

The 46th District Democrats met last week and made their endorsements for the upcoming August 16, 2011 Primary Election. Endorsements required a 60% approval vote. Here are the results:

Seattle City Council – Position 1 – Bobby Forch & Jean Godden – dual endorsement

Seattle City Council Position 3 – Bruce Harrell

Seattle City Council Position 5 – Tom Rasmussen

Seattle City Council Position 7 – Tim Burgess

Seattle City Council 9 – Sally Clark

Seattle School Board – District 1 – Peter Maier

Seattle  School Board – District 3 – Michele Buetow

King County Assessor – Lloyd Hara

King County Director of Elections – Sherril Huff

King County Council Position 2 – Larry Gossett

King County Council Position 4 – Larry Phillips

Seattle Port Commissioner – Dean Willard

Seattle Port Commissioner – Gail Tarleton

Seattle Referendum 1 – Tunnel – yes

Families and Education Levy – yes

Veterans and Human Services Levy – yes


King County Democrats Endorsements for 2011

Last night the King County Democrats had a packed and enthusiastic meeting in Renton to vote on endorsements for candidates running for election this year.  Off year elections mostly feature city and county candidates but also include some school boards. The King County Democrats last night made the following endorsements:

Endorsements by King County Democrats 5/24/2011

King County Director of Elections – Sherril Huff
King County Council Position 6 – Richard Mitchell
Bothell City Council Position 2 – Jennifer Armenta
Covington City Council 1 – Marlla Mhoon
Federal Way City Council 3 – Roger Flygare
Issaquah City Council 4 – Joshua Schaer
Kent City Council 1 – Bailey Stober
Kirkland City Council 4 – Jessica Greenway
Kirkland City Council Position 6 – David Asher
Lake Forest Park Mayor – Mary Jane Goss
Shoreline City Council 6 – Jesse Salomon
Tukwila Mayor – Pam Linder
Seattle City Council Position 1 – Maurice Clausen
Seattle City Council Position 1 – Bobby Forch
Seattle City Council Position 3 – Bruce Harrell
Seattle City Council Position 1 – Jean Godden
Seattle City Council Position 5 – Tom Rasmussen
Seattle City Council Position 7 – Tim Burgess
Seattle City Council Position 9 – Sally Clark
Seattle School Director District 3 – Michelle Buetow
Shoreline City Council – Chris Eggen

The King County Democrats also voted unanimously to oppose people signing and voting for Initiative 1125 and all other initiatives filed by Tim Eyman this year.  The
I-1125 ballot title reads: Initiative Measure 1125 concerns state expenditures on transportation.  This measure would prohibit the use of motor vehicle fund revenue and vehicle total revenue for non-transportation purposes, and require that road and bridge tolls be set by the legislature and be project specific.

The King County Democrats also voted to oppose both signing petitions for or voting for  I-119 and I-1122. The subject of these two initiatives is Immigration policy, and we oppose the policy direction that these initiatives would take the state of Washington.

The King County Democrats also voted to support the upcoming Seattle Family and Education Levy which will be on the November 8, 2011 ballot and the King County Veterans and Human Services Levy which will be on the  August 16, 2011 primary ballot.

Previous Endorsements by King County Democrats  3/22/11

King County Assessor – Lloyd Hara
King County Council Position 2 – Larry Gossett
King County Council Position 4 – Larry Phillips
King County Council Position 8 – Joe McDermott
Seattle Port Commission – Gael Tarleton


Marko Liias Considers Run for Congress

I received the following e-mail earlier today.  Next year will be an exciting and busy year in Washington State for Democrats. It can well be an exercise in playing musical chairs for those looking at new opportunities to challenge themselves. Marko Liias is a welcome addition to those interested in playing the game and keeping politics interesting.
Marko 2012 Exploratory Committee
Dear Steve,
As a friend and supporter, I am writing to share some exciting news with you – and ask for your advice.
In the past few months, many people have asked me to consider running for Congress in the 1st District, in the event Congressman Inslee does not seek reelection. While there are many things left to sort through, I want to let you know I am seriously considering this possibility.
As someone that was born and raised in our community, it has been an honor and privilege to serve as a city councilman and now as state representative. I am proud of what we have accomplished together these last few years. With your help, I have stood up for our community, leading on critical issues like education, transportation and environmental protection.
But, as I have worked hard in our state capital, like you, I have been dismayed and disappointed with what I see happening in our nation’s capital. The best interests of the American people have been ignored as a Republican majority has pursued their ideological agenda with ruthlessness.
This Congress has attacked women’s fundamental right to make their own reproductive choices. The new majority would dismantle important environmental protections that keep our air and water clean. And, rather than fighting for Main Street businesses, this Congress wants to continue to give out tax breaks to Big Oil and billionaires like Donald Trump.
We need to send someone to Congress that will stand up for Washington families. Someone that can move beyond the tired old ideas of the past and help lead our country in a better direction. In short, we need to send a fresh, progressive voice to Congress.
While I won’t decide whether to formally enter the race until Congressman Inslee announces his own plans, I do think it’s important to start this conversation now. We have a unique opportunity to change the course of our country, and I am excited to hear your thoughts.
You can visit my Facebook site and share your comments there, or you can email me at
Thank you for all that you do.
All my best,

Debbie Wasserman Schultz new Chair of Democratic National Committee

President Obama has chosen a strong progressive Democrat to head up the Democratic National Committee. Obama today picked Florida Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz to replace Tim Kaine of Virginia who resigned to run for the US Senate.

As Politico reports:

Wasserman Schultz, 44, was chosen for her strength as a fundraiser and as a television messenger and for her clout in the crucial swing state of Florida, the sources said….

Since she was first elected to Congress in 2004, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has emerged as one of the most outspoken leaders in the Democratic Party, Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, chairman of the Democratic Governors Association, said in a statement.

“A strong voice for ordinary people who didn’t cause the recession but are too often asked to pay the price, Wasserman Schultz will be a great advocate for President Obama and for Democrats across the country who are fighting to grow the economy and create jobs for middle-class families.”

Vice President Joe Bidden in an e-mail to DNC members that was posted on Huffington Post noted that:

“Debbie has served the people of Florida – first in the Florida State Legislature, and more recently in Congress – for nearly two decades. During that time, she has fought for America’s children, seniors, and men and women in uniform.

In selecting Debbie to lead our party, President Obama noted her tenacity, her strength, her fighting spirit, and her ability to overcome adversity. President Obama expressed great admiration for her as a leader, and he was honored that she accepted this important challenge on behalf of the Democratic Party.

No one should have any doubt that Debbie will work hard to strengthen our party and our country. I hope you will welcome her as President Obama’s choice for the next Chair of the DNC.”

Tim Kaine Resigns as DNC Chair to run for Senator from Virginia

Tim Kaine has sent out the following e-mail to Democrats announcing his decision to run in 2012 for US Senator in Virginia.  Jim Webb, the current US Senator, has previously announced he would not be running for re-election.

Dear DNC Members,
I am writing to let you know that I have just announced my decision to run for the U.S. Senate from the Commonwealth of Virginia in 2012. To that end, I am stepping down as DNC Chair, effective immediately.
In the coming days, I will share some thoughts on my decision to run, my appreciation for the opportunity you gave me to serve as your Chair, and what we were able to accomplish together.
In the meantime, I am sure you will be as supportive of the President’s choice to replace me as you have been of me for the past two years. There will be more information about this important transition to follow.
I will treasure the friendships I’ve made during my time at the DNC, and hope that we will maintain those friendships in the years ahead.
It is an exciting time for the DNC. It is also an exciting next chapter for my family and me, as I embark down a new path on which I hope to serve as one of Virginia’s U.S. Senators.
Thank you for your hard work and support along the way and for all that you will do in the months and years ahead.
With gratitude,
Tim Kaine

Kaine also has a video up at announcing his decision.