Tag Archives: Democratic Party

More Democrats Vote In 2016 Washington State Presidential Primary Than Caucus

Washington State held a Presidential Primary on May 24, 2016. While Republicans used the Presidential Primary to determine the ratio of  their delegates for  specific  candidates, Democrats did not. The Democratic vote was purely a poll with no impact on the dividing up who got how many delegates. Democrats held an earlier caucus on Saturday March 26, 2016 to determine that.

The surprise was that more Democrats voted in the Presidential Primary than Republicans despite the Democratic vote not affecting the delegate count. According to the Washington State Secretary of State some 1,421,841 voters voted in the May 25, 2016 Presidential Primary. Of the 4,088.o29 registered voters at the time this represented a turnout of only 34.78%.

The results according to the Washington Secretary of State’s website were as follows:

Democratic vote:  Hillary Clinton ….. 421,461….. 52.38%                                                                               Bernie Sanders……382,393…..47.62%

Total Democratic vote …..802,753

Republican vote:  Ben Carson…………..23,849…….3.96%                                                                                 Ted Cruz………………65,172……10.81%                                                                               John Kasich………….58,954……9.78%                                                                                 Donald J Trump … 455,023…..75.46%

Total Republican vote ….602,998

The Democratic vote was 56.46% of the turnout and Republicans only represented 43.54% of the vote.

The actual division of delegates for the Democrats went through the caucus system where precinct delegates were elected in the following proportion at the March 26, 2016 caucus.  These results are as reported by the New York Times.

Bernie Sanders ……19,159 delegates = 72.7% = 74 delegates

Hillary Clinton ……..7,140 delegates = 27.1% = 27 delegates

other ………………………..46 delegates = .02%

The number of Democrats participating in the caucus was about 230,000 according to OPB . This was about 14,000 shy of the turnout for Democrats in 2008 when Barrack Obama and Hillary Clinton ran.

Comparing the Democratic turnout in the Presidential Primary and the Caucus, the nonbinding Presidential Primary saw 3.9 times as many Democrats participate compared to the caucus.  Many voters found the caucus system frustrating and time consuming, particularly when Legislative District Caucuses were held on May 1, 2016 and went into late evening hours. Many people left in frustration and weren’t able to vote.

Some 27,000 Precinct level Delegates were narrowed down to 1400 Legislative District Delegates in the legislative District caucus. The Legislative District Delegates then elected 67 National Delegates at Congressional District Caucuses on May 21, 2016. The Washington State Democratic Central Committee on June 19th elected an additional 34 National Delegates and appointed 17 Super Delegates.  On July 28th in Philadelphia the 118 Washington State Delegates will vote to nominate the 2016 Democratic Party Candidate for President of the United States.

36th District Senator Reuven Carlyle after the Presidential Primary echoed the view of many when he called for an end to the Caucus system. Carlyle in the Tacoma News Tribune said:

State Sen. Reuven Carlyle, D-Seattle, said Tuesday’s results highlighted how Washington Democrats’ system of holding both caucuses and primaries needs to go.
Awarding delegates to candidates based on primary results would be less confusing and expand the number of voters who could participate in the nomination process, he said.
“I just think caucuses have a romantic image and play a meaningful role in terms of activism and energy, but that a primary is more Democratic and reflective of the broader values of the population,” Carlyle said.

If you agree the system needs to be changed, contact people in the State Democratic Party. The Washington State Democratic Central Committee can vote to support a Presidential Primary rather than a Caucus system in 2020. Let them know now so the system can be changed.

The current Presidential Primary in Washington State became law in March of 1989 after the State Legislature passed Initiative 99. I-99 had 202,872 people sign.

Do You Remember? Please mail back your ballot!

Do you remember? Please mail back your ballot if you haven’t yet.

Washington State Republicans Running Away from Party Label

The Washington State Secretary of State’s Office has up on its website the 2008 Primary Election Voter’s Pamphlet. The Primary this year is on Tuesday August 19, 2008. This election will feature the new Top 2 Primary approved by voters by Initiative 872 in 2004.

Voters will be able to vote for candidates of either major party or minor parties without having to select either a Democratic or Republican or independent ballot.

This may actually create a certain amount of confusion because of how candidates have chosen to identify or not identify any political affiliation they may have.

As the Secretary of State notes:

“Each candidate for partisan office may state a political party that he or she prefers.
A candidate’s preference does not imply that the candidate is nominated or endorsed by the party, or that the party approves of or associates with that candidate.
Candidates may choose not to state a political party preference.”

This of course means that candidates have self identified themselves as to their party association but that, among other things, means that there is no way from their stated party preference on the ballot to determine if the candidates actually adhere or believe in the principles of the party they claim.

In addition there is a deliberate attempt by many candidates who have been Republicans in the past to try to obscure their association with the Republican Party by using a number of different ways to describe their political affiliation. It definitely appears as if they are afraid to call themselves Republicans. Do they really think that voters will be more inclined to vote for them if they try to hide their party affiliation?

In Legislative races Democrats did not have a problem calling themselves Democrats. Some 128 candidates claimed that they preferred the Democratic Party. One claimed he preferred the “True Democratic Party” and another the “Progressive Democratic Party”

But it was a different story with Republicans, or what I assume were Republicans in some cases. Some 102 candidates said they preferred the Republican Party.

But then another 25 candidates said they preferred the GOP Party. Is that something different from the Republican Party? What’s wrong with saying they prefer the Republican Party? If any of the GOP candidates get elected are they going to hold a separate caucus in Olympia from the Republican Party caucus? Two candidates said they preferred something called the “R Party”. One said he preferred the “Cut Taxes GOP Party” and another the “Grand Old Party.”

I was particularly intrigued by the “prefers R Party”. Is this a new party? I wanted to give the two candidates the benefit of the doubt and so I googled on “R Party”. Here’s what I came up with. This is the closest I could come up with – there was no immediate association of the Republican Party with the R Party. Try it yourself.

Urban Dictionary: R party

New R. Party Video – “Trapped In The Men’s Room” – Video – Stereogum

Daily Show: R. Party – Trapped in the Closet Pt. 2 – Truveo Video …

So who are the R Party candidates? One is Dan Kristiansen in LD 39 and the other is Herb Baze in LD 35. I think if elected they will be in a pretty small caucus. One wonders why they had trouble saying Republican and couldn’t get beyond the first letter.

There was a smattering of other stated party preferences:

Independent Party 3
Green Party 2
America’s Third Party 1
Progressive Party 1
Libertarian party 1
Salmon Yoga Party 1
no party preference 4

Democrats – Don’t Miss Your Chance to Participate in Democracy Saturday March 4th!!

This Saturday March 4, 2006 is the beginning of the process to form a new state platform for the Democrats. It is also the start of the process to elect delegates to the State Democratic Convention to be held June 3, 2006 in Yakima.

In neighborhoods across the state neighbors will come together for Democratic precinct caucuses to start the process. It is a great time to meet other Democrats. It is also a great time to talk about the issues and candidates that we want to support to bring about the resurgence of Democrats and democracy in America. Since Bush was elected if anyone thought it didn’t matter who was President or which party the Governor belonged to or whether Democrats or Republicans controlled the House or the Senate there can be no doubt now.

To get more information on the caucus process you can go to the Washington State Democratic Perty website which has a frequently asked questions on caucuses and also a page where you can search for the location of your caucus. Caucuses start at 2 P.M. and usually will last no more than 2 hours.

I hope that you can make it.